Boronia polygalifolia

A low-lying spreading shrub to almost a herb, growing to 0.6 metres tall but usually smaller and ground-hugging, with stems up to 0.3 metres long.
Cyanothamnus quadrangulus

A small shrub growing to 1 metre tall by up to 1 metre wide with square / 4-angled branches.
Boronia barkeriana

A small shrub to 1 metre tall but can spread to 1 metre wide, producing many stems from the base.
Leptospermum ‘Pink Cascade’

A small shrub growing to 1 metre tall by 1.5 metres wide, with an arching / weeping habit. It is a hybrid…
Leptospermum ‘Merinda’

A small shrub growing to 1 metre tall by 1 to 2 metres wide with arching branches. It is reported to be a hybrid of Leptospermum ‘Pink Cascade’ and L. ‘Aphrodite’.
Leptospermum ‘Piccolo’

A dense shrub growing to 1 metre tall by 1 metre wide. It originated out of Bywong Nursery as a selected form and likely has links to L. ‘Cardwell’ and ‘L. Rhiannon’.
Leptospermum ‘Horizontalis’

A small spreading-sprawling shrub to about 1 metre tall by 2 to 3 metres wide.
It is reportedly a form of L. continentale collected in heathland from Portland, Victoria in 1967. It was registered under this name in 1985.
Leptospermum rupicola

A low-growing shrub to 1 metre tall. It has a restricted distribution, mainly growing in the Katoomba area in the Blue Mountains of NSW, with a somewhat disjunct occurrence north at Glen Davis, and with some old records in the southern highlands (Berrima) and Kangaroo Valley.
Gaudium blakelyi (syn. Leptospermum blakelyi)

Gaudium blakelyi – A typically small shrub that grows to a height of 1 metre. It has a restricted distribution, found mostly around Lithgow NSW, with some records further north in Newnes State Forest as well as south-west of Blackheath (Shipley) and grows in heath on rocky escarpments (granite and sandstone).
Homoranthus prolixus

Homoranthus prolixus – A small spreading shrub to about 0.3 metres tall and up to 2 metres wide, creating a moderate cover. It is restricted to a small area in NSW in the North West Slopes and Tablelands, specifically the Inverell and Bendemeer areas. It is typically found growing in amongst granite rocks and boulders on shallow soils, in heath and dry sclerophyll woodland. Listed as threatened with extinction in the wild.
Persoonia oxycoccoides

Persoonia oxycoccoides – A spreading to prostrate shrub to 1 metre high. It has a limited distribution, occurring in an area bounded by Mittagong, Jamberoo Pass and Tallong in the Southern Highlands of NSW (within the Central Tablelands division). It grows in heath and dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest, in sandy soils derived from sandstone.
Persoonia marginata

Persoonia marginata – A spreading shrub that grows to 0.5 metre high and up to 1 metre across. It grows in dry sclerophyll forest and woodland communities on sandstone between Kandos and Clarence in the western Blue Mountains of NSW on the Central Tablelands. There are disjunct (separate) populations and It is a listed threatened species in the wild.
Persoonia hindii

Persoonia hindii – A small shrub to 1 metre tall, with numerous stems arising from underground rhizomes. It is has a very small, restricted occurrence, confined to the Newnes Plateau in the Blue Mountains, north and east of Lithgow in NSW and grows in dry sclerophyll forests and woodlands on sandy soils.
It is listed as threatened with extinction in the wild.
Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’

Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ – A low growing, ground-covering shrub, to 50 cm tall but it may spread to over 5 metres. It grows horizontally and can even hang pendulously over a wall.
Grevillea ‘Strawberry Smoothie’

Grevillea ‘Strawberry Smoothie’ – A small shrub that grows to 1 metre tall x 1 metre wide.
Grevillea ‘Gold Rush’

Grevillea ‘Gold Rush’ – A low growing, compact shrub to about 1 x 1 metre tall and wide.
Grevillea ‘Winter Delight’

Grevillea ‘Winter Delight’ – It is a cross between G. lanigera (a Victorian / NSW species) and G. lavandulacea (a South Australian species).
Grevillea ‘Pick o’ the Crop’

Grevillea ‘Pick o’ the Crop’ – A low growing shrub to about 0.5 to 1 metre tall, spreading to 3 or more metres wide. It generally has a weeping dense habit.
Prostanthera junonis

Prostanthera junonis – A low spreading or straggling shrub to 1 metre high and up to 1 metre in diameter. It grows naturally in sclerophyll forest and woodland in sandy loamy soils on sandstone and is restricted to the Somersby Plateau in the Gosford area of NSW
Prostanthera howelliae

Prostanthera howelliae – An erect or spreading shrub growing to a height and spread of 0.3 to 1.5 metres. It is found widely in dry sclerophyll woodland and shrubland in the eastern half of New South Wales and into Queensland and Victoria.
Prostanthera hindii

Prostanthera hindii – An erect shrub growing to 1 metre tall by 1 metre wide. It is naturally confined to a small area of NSW, growing in dry sclerophyll shrubland and woodland, on shallow sandy soils, in crevices and on slopes with rocky sandstone platforms and outcrops.
Prostanthera rugosa

Prostanthera rugosa – An openly-branched aromatic shrub to 1.5 m tall, to less than 1 metre wide.
Prostanthera denticulata

Prostanthera denticulata – A wiry / weak-wooded, semi-erect to prostrate shrub, aromatic, growing to a height of 1 metre and potentially spreading to 2 metres wide.
Prostanthera marifolia

Prostanthera marifolia – A wiry, low spreading to erect, straggly and open-branched shrub, up to 0.5 m high.
Grevillea ‘Pink Midget’

Grevillea ‘Pink Midget’ – A compact shrub growing to 0.5 x 0.5 metres tall and wide.
Grevillea ‘Fireworks’

Grevillea ‘Fireworks’ – a small shrub growing to about 1 x 1 metre.
Grevillea ‘Butterfly Beauty’

Grevillea ‘Butterfly Beauty’ – A shrub growing to around 1 metre tall by 1.5 metres wide.
Grevillea ‘Hills Jubilee’

Grevillea ‘Hills Jubilee’ – introduced by Peter Ollerenshaw of Bywong Bursery. It is a deliberate hybrid cross between G. baueri x G. alpina and G. rosmarinifolia ‘Lutea’.
Grevillea ‘Jelly Baby’

Grevillea ‘Jelly Baby’ – Grevillea ‘Jelly Baby’ is a dense, silver grey, low spreading shrub to 0.4 metres high and to 1 metre wide. G. ‘Jelly Baby’ was a chance seedling which arose at the property of Neil and Wendy Marriott at Panrock Ridge in the Black Range, near Stawell in Victoria.
Grevillea ‘New Blood’

Grevillea ‘New Blood’ – A small compact shrub to 0.3 metres tall and to 1.5 metres wide. It is a hybrid of G. juniperina ‘Molonglo’ x G. rhyolitica. Leaves are thin and prickly, mid to dark green, to about 2 cm long by only 0.3 cm wide.
Grevillea ‘Jubilee’

Grevillea ‘Jubilee’ – A low growing, compact shrub to about 1 metre tall. This cultivar was introduced by Austraflora Nurseries, Montrose, Victoria, in 1982. It is reportedly a hybrid between G. rosmarinifolia and G. alpina.
Grevillea ‘Scarlet Sprite’

Grevillea ‘Scarlet Sprite’ – A small shrub that grows to 1 metre tall x 1 metre wide. It is a form of Grevillea rosmarinifolia. It has mid green narrow and stiff-prickly linear leaves, to about 3 cm long by only 0.1 cm wide.
Grevillea imberbis

Grevillea imberbis – A shrub to 0.4 m high or prostrate, with a rhizomatous suckering ability. It is only found in two separate areas, from Kanangra Walls (Boyd Plateau) SE of Oberon and the Braidwood–Mongarlowe–Currockbilly areas (central and southern tablelands) in NSW. It grows in wet low heath or on heathy-woodland margins, in skeletal soils over sandstone.
Grevillea molyneuxii

Grevillea molyneuxii – A low spreading shrub to 1 m tall. Restricted to a small area in the southern highlands of NSW, viz. south of Penrose, above Tallowa Gully and Bundanoon Creek, in Morton National Park and on Crown Land.
Grevillea parviflora

Grevillea parviflora – A shrub usually to 1 m high or less, or almost prostrate. It can spread from rhizomes. It is generally confined to the Greater Sydney Basin (in recent times, more occurrences have been recorded) found naturally from Prospect to Camden and the Avon and Cordeaux Dam area on clay soils
Grevillea capitellata

Grevillea capitellata – A low dense mounded or prostrate shrub to 0.5 metres high. It occurs over a restricted area in the south of the Sydney Basin and northern Illawarra, bounded between Cordeaux Dam, Cataract Dam, Bulli and Mt Ousley in N.S.W.