Bossiaea heterophylla

It has a mostly coastal occurrence in NSW, extending up into the Blue Mountains. It grows along all coastal parts, extending into Victoria, growing disjunctly in the far north-east and then between Bairnsdale and Traralgon (as far west as Rosedale). In Queensland, it extends up the coast to Bundaberg as well as Fraser Island.
Bossiaea ensata

An erect to low-lying or sprawling (procumbent) shrub, potentially reaching 1.5 m long with a spread to about 1 metre.
Bossiaea buxifolia

A prostrate to weakly erect shrub that grows to potentially around 1 to 1.5 m tall but is often seen around 0.5 m tall.
Bossiaea scolopendria

It is an erect, cladode-bearing shrub to a height of up to 1.5 metres, spreading in a clump-like fashion to 1 metre wide. It is endemic to NSW, occurring on the central and south coast botanical divisions, as far south as Sassafras (near Nowra), to around the Gosford area.
Bossiaea rhombifolia

An erect, shrub with mostly glabrous stems, growing to a height of up to 2 metres, with a spread to around 1 metre or less.
Ricinocarpos bowmanii

A shrub to 1.5 m high by up to 3 metres wide. It grows many on the western slopes of NSW, with some records on the southern tablelands and the far western plains; south from around Yarrangobilly Caves in Kosciuszko National Park, north through Tumut and then occurring sporadically around Cowra and Orange and west to north-west of Lake Cargelligo
Petrophile sessilis

It is widespread in coastal sandstone soils and lateritic and other rocky outcrops, in sclerophyll heath, woodland and forest from the Central Coast to the Central and Southern Tablelands of New South Wales.
Petrophile pedunculata

It is found mostly on the central coast of NSW, extending into the south coast and central tablelands; as far north as the upper Blue Mountains (north of Katoomba) and as far south as towards Nelligen and Marulan.
Petrophile canescens

An erect shrub that grows to a height of 2 metres (often seen smaller). It has a large geographic range in NSW with a patchy distribution on most of the coast and tablelands areas, as well as, the north-western slopes. Patches occur to the east of Queanbeyan in the south
Petrophile pulchella

It has a mostly coastal occurrence in NSW, growing from as far south as around Ulladulla, extending north into the Southern Highlands, Greater Sydney Basin and Blue Mountains, as far west as north of Lithgow. It grows along the north coast and northern tablelands (east of Guyra and Glen Innes). Records move just into SE Queensland but they are scant here.
Breynia oblongifolia

A single to potentially multi-stemmed shrub to 3 metres tall, often with a broadening vertical spread.
Brachychiton populneus

It is a common sight in NSW inland areas, occurring throughout virtually all of the western slopes and plains as well as tableland areas. It is also found in the coastal hinterland. It grows as far west as Ivanhoe. It extends into Queensland, growing as far as Cairns-region.
Howittia trilocularis

A spreading-scrambling woody shrub, to 3 metres tall, to several metres wide. It can form dense patches in some habitats.
Sannantha pluriflora

Sannantha pluriflora is a shrub up to 4 m tall occurring from Gippsland in Victoria and northwards to Port Stephens in New South Wales
Telopea speciosissima

Telopea speciosissima is an upright shrub, to about 3 to 4 metres high and usually with a narrow spread; often seen shorter and multi-stemmed, bearing a lignotuber.
Telopea oreades

Telopea oreades is a shrub or tree to 12 metres high potentially, often multi-stemmed and with a lignotuber.
Telopea mongaensis

Telopea mongaensis is a shrub or small tree, endemic to Australia, it grows to 6 metres high, spreading to 4 metres wide.
Micromyrtus minutiflora

Micromyrtus minutiflora is a slender spreading shrub to 2.5 metres high, often with a narrow spread to 1 metre, with a few to many narrow and arching stems, and possibly growing by suckering.
Kunzea capitata

Kunzea capitata is an erect or ascending shrub to 2 metres high, (often shorter), usually with a narrow spread, with young stems covered with spreading hairs.
Kunzea parvifolia

Kunzea parvifolia is a wiry shrub to a height of 1.5 metres, with a spread to 1 metre with its young branches covered with soft hairs.
Kunzea rupestris

Kunzea rupestris is an erect and rigid shrub (reportedly clonal), to about 1.5 to 2 metres high, usually with less than a 1-metre spread. Plants can have a distinctive appearance with ‘gappy’ stems (as if foliage has been pruned out in some places).
Kunzea aristulata

An erect shrub to 2 metres tall with a 1-metre spread, with young stems hairy. It has a small geographic distribution in NSW, only found in one general location…
Pittosporum revolutum

An erect shrub up to 4 metres tall by 2 metres wide, often seen about 1.5 x 1 m.
Hovea pannosa

A medium shrub to, 3 metres tall, usually with a narrow spread. The stems have brown or rusty to dark grey hairs. It is found in NSW and Victoria
Hovea longifolia

A medium shrub to 3 metres tall, usually with a narrow spread. The stems have dense brown to grey, sometimes partly black, hairs.
Hovea purpurea

A shrub to 3 metres tall, with a spread of around 1 metre. Most parts are covered in light to dark grey hairs.
It has a mostly tablelands-occurrence in NSW, growing on the southern, central and northern tablelands and north-western slopes…
Hovea speciosa

A shrub to 3 metres tall, spreading to about 1 metre wide. Stems are densely hairy with brown to grey-brown or sometimes partly black hairs.
Pultenaea polifolia

A shrub to 1.5 metres tall (usually smaller and can also grow prostrate), that has hairy stems. It has a large occurrence in NSW, growing from the Northern Tablelands
Pultenaea retusa

An erect shrub, potentially to 2 metres tall with a narrow spread; with hairy stems when young. It has a mostly coastal distribution in NSW, with some disjunctions
Pultenaea rosmarinifolia

An erect shrub to a height of 3 metres, with stems having appressed hairs. It is confined to , growing in two disjunct locations, from Doyalson-area to North Sydney (with a few records at Wedderburn); then from Jervis Bay, and further west, to Ulladulla.
Pultenaea scabra

n erect or spreading shrub to a height of 2 metres with a narrow spread, with densely hairy stems. It grows in NSW, south from the area to the east of Mudgee and Gulgong
Pultenaea aculeata

An erect to procumbent shrub, reaching a height to 4 metres tall (often smaller), with spreading hairy stems. It occurs in a restricted area of NSW, known only from east of Rylstone, with the majority of individuals occurring within Wollemi National Park.
Pultenaea stipularis

An erect shrub to 2 metres tall, with hairless stems. It has a comparatively small range in NSW, growing mostly in coastal areas, from Gosford, as far west as near Bilpin and south to Springwood
Pultenaea tuberculata

A spreading to upright shrub, to 2 metres high, spreading to 1 meter wide, sometimes multi-stemmed, with soft curly hairs on the stems that are obscured by stipules.
Pultenaea villifera

A spreading to erect shrub, to 2 metres tall by 2 metres wide, with moderately hairy stems with hairs being villous (spreading, open and shaggy).
Pultenaea villosa

A shrub to 2 or 3 metres tall (sometimes prostrate in some northern populations), with smooth bark and hairy stems.