
Sutherland Group’s 60th Anniversary

Aileen Phipps, Leonie Hogue and Cl Byron Hurst representing the Sutherland Shire Council at the ’opening’ of the Wedding Area at Joseph Banks Native Plants Reserve (taken April 1993)


 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of Sutherland Group of APS. I was thinking back to when I first joined the Society in the late 1980’s. It was called the Society for Growing Australian Plants then. It was one of the few places where you could get information about Australian plants or meet people who had knowledge of the local flora. All the books and information available were about northern hemisphere plants, conditions and gardening. Remember there was no internet then. The only books were self published and there seemed to be a lot of misinformation about how Australian plants didn’t need to be looked after. 

Now, 60 years later, the Australian Plants Society has an excellent website which disseminates the latest information, has an active YouTube channel, Facebook site and an active membership which keeps in contact through newsletters and email.

Our Sutherland Group is only as successful as you, the members, allow. With your support, the group can continue to be relevant for another 60 years. Please support your committee.

by Leonie Hogue

Sutherland group Christmas 2022