
New Study Group – Australian Plants for Containers

By enewsletter Editor

Tetratheca granulosa in a pot, image Brian Roach

Members of the Study Group focus on investigating and trialing those Australian plants that may be suitable for growing in pots or other types of containers. This Study Group has been in recess for some time but Ros and Ben Walcott, formerly leaders of the Garden Design Study Group, have volunteered to reactivate it.

Many people live in smaller units and apartments with balconies or have a small area for a garden and growing Australian plants in containers is a great way to have a small garden of native plants. Growing in containers also allows gardeners to have plants that otherwise won’t tolerate local conditions. Ros and Ben plan to produce a newsletter twice a year with contributions from interested members. Membership is free and all newsletters will be distributed by email.

Ros and Ben would like to receive a picture or two of favourite or interesting native plants in pots with a short description.

To be added to the mailing list of this Study Group, just email Ros or Ben at roswalcott5@gmail.com or benwalcott5@gmail.com

Remember, membership is free to all members of ANPSA affiliated Societies, including Australian Plants Society NSW members.