
Celebrating 60 years of Australian Plants journal

By enewsletter Editor

Cover of Australian Plants 60 years issue

The Summer 2019/20 issue of Australian Plants posted to members and subscribers in mid March 2020 is a very special issue celebrating 60 years of the journal.

In the Editorial and tributes, co-editor Merle Thompson OAM explains the significance: “For an organisation or its publications to survive for 60 years must be regarded as a major achievement. This issue of Australian Plants marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of Volume 1, Number 1 in December 1959”.

Merle has made a representative selection of articles from across the 60 years – many issues remain of interest. At the time of the 50th anniversary in 2009, the first full issue was reproduced on the Australian Native Plants Society Australia website where it can still be viewed.


  • Editorial and tributes
  • 1959 How to grow waratahs and The genus Telopea
  • 1968 Growing wildflowers in Queensland
  • 1969 Dracophyllum
  • 1971 Planning an Australian garden and Hakeas: As grown in Melbourne gardens
  • 1976 Wattles of the Flinders Ranges
  • 1982 Proteaceae endemic to Tasmania
  • 1988 Banksias: East coastal
  • 1989 Garden cultivars of Australian plants
  • 2000 The Olympic and Paralympic bouquets
  • In memory of Diana Snape
  • Australian Plants Awards 2019: Kingsley Dixon and Glenn Leiper