
APS NSW Annual Get-together, 18-19 November 2023, Goulburn

By Jen Ashwell (President, Southern Tablelands APS NSW)

Hi to you lovely people who are thinking about coming to the APS annual get-together in the Southern Tablelands (Goulburn).  I hope that you can make it as we would love to show you what can be done in our cooler and drier climate.

I will first assure you that our weather in mid-November should be very pleasant, not as hot as is forecast for the rest of summer so maybe it is time to book yourselves in for the weekend and know that you can hide from the heat for the rest of summer.  Although, having lived here for about 40 years, I know that it is always advisable to have a jumper in the car.

Your minds will be stimulated on the Saturday morning by Dr Lyndal Thorburn who will be enlightening us about Eremophilias (Emu Bushes), many of which will grow well in the area. Lyndal is Leader of the Eremophila Study Group, a mind of information and an excellent and entertaining speaker.

It would be great to show you our Wetlands in the afternoon. These have been developed over the last ten years, being planted with indigenous species, as well as having gardens of Australian plants at the entrances to showcase what Energetic people could walk to the top of Rocky Hill (or you can take your car) to get a great view of the wetlands and the whole of Goulburn City.

Goulburn wetlands, image supplied by Southern Tablelands Group

Dinner at Mercure on Saturday evening will provide a wonderful opportunity to renew friendships and listen to our guest speaker Dr Brian Faulkner, Environment and Biodiversity Assessment Officer, Goulburn/Mulwaree Council  who will talk on ‘Threatened species conservation of the Goulburn/Mulwaree Government Area’. You will need to book early for this as spaces are limited. For more info visit the event here for more details 

Sunday brings you the opportunity to check out Peter Wauchope’s large and varied garden as shown below. His garden is on the outskirts of town and you will have the opportunity to purchase plants that have been grown by 

Peter Wauchope's garden, image supplied by Southern Tablelands

members of our group and are hardy to our climate. Or you could always start the day off by visiting Alison Hone Reserve (10km from town) which shows some of the local conditions and species to be found here, naturally.  And then of course, in the afternoon, you could travel further out to some of our members native gardens on their properties.  We are all looking forward to welcoming you to the Southern Tablelands hoping that you will have a great weekend.

Jen Ashwell (President, Southern Tablelands APS NSW)