APS NSW Bushwalk 20 May 2023 Kariong.
Eighteen members of Hunter Valley, Newcastle, Sutherland, Harbour Georges River, North Shore and Central Coast groups had an early start on a sunny but chilly morning following long drives for some. We met at the Portelli Avenue Kariong entrance to Brisbane Water National Park, took our time to check out many plants along the 1 klm track and increased the pace a little on the return. Well, we plant people do like to chat about various aspects of identification! It was wonderful having such a happy keen bunch of people appreciating the scenery.
Around 30 species were located with special finds of Pterostylis daintreana, Eriochilus cucullatus and Corunastylis sp. It was great to have Wendy Grimm along to help with the Orchid IDs especially.
Some other plants seen flowering, budding or just looking good on the day were-
- Acacia suaveolens
- Baeckea sp
- Bauera rubioides
- Chordifex fastigiatus
- Drosera sp
- Grevillea buxifolia
- Haemodorum corymbosum
- Hemigenia purpurea
- Leucopogon microphyllus
- Platysace linearifolia
- etratheca ericifolia
- Brachyloma or was it Monotoca
- Actinotus helianthi
- Banksia ericifolia
- Boronia serrulata in bud
- Darwinia fascicularis
- Epacris pulchella
- Grevillea sericea
- Hakea gibbosa
- Hibbertia sp
- Persoonia isophylla
- Pultenaea tuberculata
- Velleia lyrata
- Actinotus minor
- Banksia oblongifolia
- Bossiaea heterophylla
- Darwinia glaucophylla
- Goodenia sp
- Grevillea speciosa in bud
- Hakea teretifolia fruit
- lambertia formosa
- Pimelea linifolia
- Styphelia tubiflora
- Woollsia pungens
Thank you to all our visitors. We Central Coasters really enjoyed your company and input.

Sustainable Natives Nursery Visit 20 th May 2023 – by Janet-Lee and Veronica Porter
On a chilly morning we made our way to the Sustainable Natives Nursery Somersby. Entering the property we passed the work house. Rows and tables full of lovely new seedlings and established trees for people to purchase. We helped to weed and label the tubes. Olga and Jonathon were only too happy to answer all questions with their extensive and expertise knowledge of Australian Natives. You don’t realise all the work involved in maintaining a nursery. It was great experience.