Glycine clandestina

Glycine tabacina, the Glycine Pea, is a creeping trailer or climber with slender stems. The leaves are trifoliate (a compound leaf with three leaflets). The terminal leaflet is the longest. The pea-shaped flowers are about six millimetres long, blue, violet or purple and carried in axillary clusters. Flowering occurs from mid-spring to early autumn.
Gynochthodes jasminoides

A woody climber or scrambling shrub with stems to 6 meters long.
It has a large natural distribution in NSW, mainly in the coastal subdivisions and extending to some parts of the tablelands and central western slopes. It extends along the coast and inland of Queensland, to the Cape York Peninsula. It also occurs in the very northern parts of the Northern territory and Western Australia. Its southern limit is the north-east of Victoria, extending west to Bairnsdale.
Clematis aristata

Clematis aristata – A vigorous woody climber growing to 6 m high or more in dry and wet forests of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. It has been recorded in Western Australia, but there is doubt about the accuracy of this record.
Cissus antarctica

Cissus antarctica – A vigorous vine, endemic to Australia, occurs in north-east Queensland and central-east Queensland and southwards as far as south-eastern New South Wales. In NSW, it grows along the coast mainly but extends into the tablelands and central western slopes.
Cissus hypoglauca

Cissus hypoglauca – A vigorous common vine, found along almost the entire east coast of NSW, from south of Townsville to eastern Victoria, growing in warmer rainforest but also found in littoral rainforest near beaches and wet sclerophyll forest.
Pandorea pandorana

Pandorea pandorana, Wonga Vine, is a member of the Bignoniaceae family. This woody scrambler or climber has long, twining branches with fawn coloured bark. Flowers are tubular, about two centimetres long, usually creamy-white with either brown or purple markings in the throat.
Pandorea jasminoides

Pandorea jasminoides, variously known as Bower of Beauty, Bower Vine or Bower Climber. This member of the Bignoniaceae family is a very vigorous woody climber. Flowers are white or pale pink, trumpet shaped and up to six centimetres long. Blooms are carried in clusters from spring to summer.
Kennedia rubicunda

Kennedia rubicunda, Dusky Coral Pea, is a vigorous climber or creeper. The long stems are either spreading or twining. Leaves are glossy green and divided into three leaflets. The large flowers are pea shaped, up to four centimetres long by two centimetres wide, deep red and held in axillary clusters.
Hibbertia scandens

Hibbertia scandens, The Climbing Guinea Flower, as the common name indicates is a vigorous climber with stems that may reach five metres in length. Large flowers are about seven centimetres across, bright yellow and solitary. Sporadic flowering occurs throughout the year. Hibbertia scandens is an eye-catching species with its large flowers.
Hardenbergia violacea

Hardenbergia violacea, Purple Coral Pea or Native Sarsaparilla, is a well known climber with twining stems. The leaves are glossy green, with prominent veins and up to ten centimetres long. The flowers are pea-shaped, up to one centimetre across, purple, and violet and rarely pink or white. They are carried in large clusters from late winter to early spring. Blooms are both profuse and conspicuous.
Glycine tabacina

Glycine tabacina, the Glycine Pea, is a creeping trailer or climber with slender stems. The leaves are trifoliate (a compound leaf with three leaflets). The terminal leaflet is the longest. The pea-shaped flowers are about six millimetres long, blue, violet or purple and carried in axillary clusters. Flowering occurs from mid-spring to early autumn.
Clematis microphylla

Clematis microphylla is a member of the Ranunculaceae family and is a vigorous climber. Clematis are dioecious, the male and female flowers are carried on different plants. The flowers are up to four centimetres across, greenish-cream and cover the climber from August to November
Clematis glycinoides

Clematis glycinoides is a member of the Ranunculaceae family and is a medium to large climber. Clematis are dioecious, the male and female flowers are carried on different plants. Flowers are three centimetres across, white or greenish and starry. They cover plants in spring.
Billardiera scandens

Billardiera scandens the Common Apple Berry or Apple Dumpling, is a member of the Pittosporaceae family. Common Apple Berry is a slender climber. Stems may reach three metres in length. Common Apple Berry is a slender climber. Stems may reach three metres in length. Leaves are linear-lanceolate, up to three centimetres long, glossy dark green with wavy margins. Juvenile shoots are very hairy. In open positions plants may develop into a small shrub 1.5 metres tall.
Billardiera cymosa

Billardiera cymosa is known as the Sweet Apple Berry and is a member of the Pittosporaceae family. The Sweet Apple Berry is a slender climber. Leaves are narrow-lanceolate and about seven centimetres long. Young shoots are covered with silky hairs. Tip pruning will increase foliage density.