Podocarpus spinulosus

A shrub or tree to potentially 5 metres high, with a narrow spread to a few metres – often seen as a low scrambling and ground-covering shrub in a lot of habitats.
Tetratheca shiressii

Small shrub to about 0.7 metres tall, often multi-stemmed with a radial spread to about 0.3 metres.
Tetratheca thymifolia

A shrub to about 1 m high, often with many stems radiating out to form a width about 0.5 m wide.
Tetratheca rupicola

A shrub usually to 0.4 m high, spreading to about the same width.
Tetratheca rubioides

A compact shrub, usually to 0.6 m high. It is endemic to NSW; growing mainly on the central tablelands / coastal divide, with concentrated records as far north as Newnes Plateau, south through Lithgow and east to Kurrajong-area, south to Katoomba and Lake Burragorang. There are outlying records further north; east of Rylestone near Mt Coricudgy, and as far south as Braidwood and Mogo State Forest.
Daviesia alata

Generally, a low-lying or prostrate almost herbaceous-shrub to 1 metre tall and spreads to 1 metre wide in a clump-formation, consisting of winged stems with small scale leaves.
Daviesia acicularis

A small and wiry shrub, typically to 1 metre high with an erect narrow habit.
Bossiaea stephensonii

An erect, soft, multi-stemmed shrub, growing to a height of up to about 1 metre.
Bossiaea neoanglica

It has an interesting natural occurrence in New South Wales, growing in generally two disjunct patches, on the central coast between Campbelltown / Lake Burragorang and Bundanoon in the southern highlands.
Micromyrtus blakelyi

Micromyrtus blakelyi A low spreading shrub to about 0.6 metres tall by 0.5 metres wide.
It has a very small natural distribution – restricted to areas north-west of Sydney, close to the Hawkesbury River. It is found in the localities of South Maroota and Maroota as well as Canoelands and north of Mooney Mooney; south to Berowra.
It grows on sandstone platforms and sheet in heathlands on ridgetops and upper valleys. It acts as a ‘bonsai’ shrub in these habitats.
It is a listed threatened species in the wild.
Pultenaea subspicata

An erect to prostrate shrub, to 0.6 metres tall, with sparsely hairy stems.
Pultenaea hispidula

An erect, spreading shrub, to a height of about 1 metre, often with many drooping and densely hairy branches. It grows in NSW mainly on the central and south coast subdivisions
Pultenaea linophylla

An erect or prostrate shrub, not overly large, to 1 metre tall and with narrow and wiry spreading branches.
It spreads from just in Queensland in the south-east, through the northern tablelands and coastal inland, to south of Tamworth
Pultenaea echinula

An erect shrub, to 1 metre tall with spreading branches to 1 metre wide. It can have hairless to sparsely hairy stems. It is confined to NSW, as far south as Bulli in the south-east, extending north-west through Appin and Katoomba and north to the east of Kandos.
Pultenaea divaricata

An erect shrub growing to a height of 1 metre, typically with overall narrow branches which spread apart, with stems that are more or less hairless. It is confined to NSW, growing in disjunct populations, from north of Lithgow, south through Katoomba-area
Pultenaea aristata

A small shrub, to 40 cm tall by 30 cm wide. It has a very small natural occurrence in NSW, restricted to the Woronora Plateau, in a small area between Helensburgh, south of Sydney, and Mt Kiera above Wollongong.
Pultenaea capitellata

A sprawling to prostrate shrub, with hairy stems up to 50 cm long. It is found in NSW on the central and southern tablelands, as well as south coast
Dillwynia tenuifolia

An erect shrub to a height of about 1 metre, spreading to over 0.5 metres wide, with stems covered with shortly-curved hairs. It mainly occurs in the Sydney area, on the Cumberland Plain but also further afield.
Dillwynia trichopoda

A prostrate to spreading shrub to 1 metre tall, to less than 1 metre wide, with stems with small hairs. It occurs naturally in NSW and Qld; growing on the coast of NSW as far south as the Clyde River…
Dillwynia parvifolia

A spreading to erect shrub, growing to a height of 1 metre, spreading to 1 metre wide, with tiny hairs on the stems. It grows primarily in the Greater Sydney area, from Berowra in the north to Bowral in the south
Dillwynia brunioides

An erect shrub growing to 1 metre tall, with silky-hairy stems. It naturally occurs in the Greater Sydney Area in NSW
Tetratheca glandulosa

Plant them along open borders or in rockeries for best affect, with well-drained soils and some shade during the warmer months.
Tetratheca ericifolia

Plant them along open borders or in rockeries for best affect, with well-drained soils and some shade during the warmer months.
Tetratheca neglecta

A soft-wooded shrub, to about 60 cm high, with cylindrical to 4-angled stems, with a mixture of short and long hairs.
Tetratheca decora

In this species, the fruits is to 5 mm long with seeds to 4 mm long, brown and smooth, with fine hairs and an appendage.
Tetratheca bauerifolia

soft-wooded shrub to 30 cm high. It occurs naturally in the general south-eastern quarter of NSW
Zieria pilosa

A shrub, growing to 1 metre tall with a spread to 0.5 metres. It has a wide coastal distribution on the NSW Coast
Zieria baeuerlenii

An open shrub, with stems often trailing on the ground (procumbent), usually growing to a height up to 1 metre.
Cyanothamnus rigens

A compact rigid shrub that grows to a height of 40 cm. It has a natural distribution from the Hunter Valley (near Singleton) and Kandos (Mt Coricudgy) area…
Philotheca hispidula

A shrub to about 1 metre high, with slightly glandular-warty and finely-bristly branchlets.
Philotheca obovalis

Philotheca obovalis is a shrub to 1 metre tall, with slightly hairy stems.
Philotheca scabra

A small shrub to 0.6 metres tall, spreading to about 1 metre wide with stems having rough hairs.
Boronia floribunda

An erect, woody shrub to 1 metre.
It is found mainly in the Greater Sydney Basin and slightly further
Boronia microphylla

A shrub to 1 metre with with young branches covered in small, warty glands and scattered bristly hairs.
Cyanothamnus nanus var. hyssopifolius

A shrub to 0.3 metres high, erect or sprawling to prostrate. It is found as far north as Mt Wilson west of Sydney, growing south-south-west from here mostly in the tablelands regions
Boronia parviflora

A low growing shrub to a height of 1 m with hairless branchlets.